
AP: NSA Improperly Collected an Incredibly Tiny Number of Emails

triple8/21/2013 1:12:35 pm PDT

re: #55 Pavlovian Hive Mind


So the best you got is a comment that says a moderate reform to the NSA is thoughtful? Yeah, I was so far off, silly me.

Charles - let me ask you this. Directly, not to your commenters - not like that will stop them from replying.

It’s been disclosed the NSA is reading our email, listening to our calls, and storing what websites we visit. I’m not a terrorist, I won’t be “in trouble”, but that’s not the point. The point is I have 4th amendment rights to prevent unreasonable searches, and when the NSA stores my emails and my website history for “review”, that’s a search not brought on my probable cause, that’s a search done because I’m using american owned wires. The only reason it’s not illegal is because the FISA “court” (which approves everything) says its legal, but we both know the FISA court is just a rubber stamp and an extension of the NSA itself at this point. Oversight doesn’t exist. Oversight is people like Edward Snowden and newspapers like the guardian at this point. They are the only things stopping the NSA from doing whatever the hell it wants to.

Whether the NSA itself is “allowed to do this” will be a debate among those of us who protect our rights and those of us who don’t in the name of defense from a threat who doesn’t even use email or phone lines in the first place. Maybe the NSA will catch a terrorist on gmail in a g+ hangout skyping with his terrorist buddies on faceagram. But probably not. So why do it?

Why defend it? Maybe there is misinformation from Greenwald, but there’s been a lot more misinformation from the NSA itself. Misinformation to congress. In fact, the NSA has leaked more things about the NSA than snowden ever did, so you don’t even have that to bitch about. And the guy investigating the NSA oversight is the guy who lied to congress about it.. it’s like some idiotic blog post by alex jones, except it’s really happening.

And where did you even get off defending Miranda’s detention? Are we arresting journalists now based on terrorism charges? That is something we support over at lgf? It’s legal to publish classified info. It’s not legal to detain someone because they publish something the government doesn’t want out.

So.. I guess its not really a question.. it’s more of a “where do you get off?”