
'You Only Live Twice' - the Nancy Sinatra Remix

Dark_Falcon9/09/2013 10:36:09 pm PDT

re: #60 ProTARDISLiberal

Relative power doesn’t matter in this case. Putin and Assad just put what looks like a peace offer resolving the issue on the table. Obama can’t simply ignore it or brush it aside without looking like a “warmonger” to those who aren’t well informed and those who are critical of the US. He has to engage it at least a little bit and in doing so any momentum he might build with his speech tomorrow is likely to be negated.

The other target this is aimed at is giving skeptical members of Congress a reason to vote ‘non’ on any use of force resolution by giving them a plan to point to that would not involve armed force by the US.

I’d go on, but I’m just too tired. Please comment and I’ll read tomorrow morning if I can.