
Friday Night Jam: Ajoyo, "Benskin"

Nyet12/05/2015 1:29:26 am PST

So, France was serious about shutting down the radical mosques.

Cazaneuve said Wednesday that a “large police contingent” closed one mosque in Lagny-sur- Marne, a suburb in eastern Paris, placing nine “radicalized individuals” under house arrest and barring 22 from leaving the country.

In the raid, police confiscated a 9mm handgun, a computer hard drive hidden behind a wall and jihadist propaganda. Cazaneuve said police discovered documents about an unregistered Quranic school.

Two other mosques, one in Gennevilliers in the northwest suburbs and one in Lyon, were closed within the past week. The interior minister referred to the three mosques as “pseudo-religious associations.”

Very good, even if a little bit late.