
ElBaradei: 'I'm Not Taking Sides' on the Destruction of Israel

Desert Dog2/02/2009 10:52:59 am PST

re: #47 LGoPs

At it’s miltaristic worst, Japan attacked American miltary targets, not civilians, not children. Harsh, brutal and ruthless yes…..but honorable in it’s choice of targets nonetheless (I am excluding the China incident of course). The same cannot be said for Iran.

Thsi guy is a classic example of one who’s educated to the point of being stupid. He might as well compare Iran to the menace of Lichtenstein as well.
This guy is dangerously stupid and ill equipped to be the watchdog of anything other than a bunch of nerf toys.

I would count the Japanese of today as honorable. But, you are stretching it a bit to consider them honorable during their “imperialistic phase”. They did not do the methodical genocide the Germans did, but they were anything but honorable in every area they invaded. Killing, rape, torture, looting, slavery is what they brought with them……