
If the US Has a 'Health Czar,' Who Are the Serfs?

Ben Hur2/24/2009 8:44:57 am PST
The concept of a health czar follows naturally from the welfare statists’ premise that government should guarantee health care to all Americans. Whenever the government attempts to guarantee universal medical care, it must also control its costs. Hence, someone must determine how health care dollars may be spent.

This is the scary part.

The natural progression will be something akin to mandatory fat camps.

“You are too (fill in blank) and too much a burden on the system. Please report to camp.”

Also, there will never be tax cuts again. The left will move on from screaming “They are trying to take away education!” to “They are trying to take away your health care.”

And what’s with this “Universal” BS. The US is not the world. It’s NATIONAL health care. As part of NATIONAL socialism.

Unless they really mean universal and you will end up paying for Hamas dental care.