
Video: Women, Know Your Limits!

What, me worry?2/13/2010 6:53:21 pm PST

re: #46 Gus 802

Looked like it would have been something show in a home economics class. There’s some popular cook today that wants to make it a requirement that all high school students should be able to cook meals.

I think a video like this today would cause an uproar and/or a lot of “outrageous outrage” depending on who’s doing the complaining. Also because there is no one standard or homogeneous society as there was in the 1950s.

Also because there is no common family dynamic, i.e. 2 parents and 2.5 children. Not a real plausible idea.

Cooking now, is not such a bad thing. Especially for men. My friends who have boys make sure they know how to do laundry, cook and basic home care. Kids aren’t getting married in their 20’s anymore.