
Glenn Reynolds: Anti-Muslim Craziness Is All Obama's Fault

researchok10/17/2010 11:34:44 am PDT

re: #47 palomino

I disagree wholeheartedly.

Americans are proud of the national diversity. They do not want to embrace bigotry. Bigotry was and remains a marginal endeavor.

What has happened, in my opinion is a confluence of events that have made that marginal position more mainstream.

First, their is the matter of the economy and the many weak pillars. Then there is the matter on the perception of how Obama is handling the recovery efforts.

Then you have escalating political polarization, a long impotent Congress habituated by politicians who really don’t give a damn and candidates for office who are either nut jobs or just incompetents who want their turn at the public trough.

People are frustrated and looking for scapegoats (as in the war on terror is too costly) and Obama is in the barrel.

The argument that many people who trusted Bush don’t trust Obama is absurd. There are people who trust Obama implicitly who did not trust Bush at all. That’s called politics.

When things are going well, people will government a pass.When things are going poorly, government gets a big part of the blame (justifiably,in my opinion).

Anti Muslim sentiment is the symptom, not the disease.

The disease is the ever escalating political bigotry on both side- and no, this isn’t about a ‘magical equivalence fairy’.

That is reality.