
Overnight Open Thread

77 6:03:12 am PST

re: #73 iossarian

That’s a fair point. But I think there is an important point to be made here:

I tend to criticize people who do things that lie outside their stated moral framework. If you’re a person who believes that people screw up but generally deserve second chances, I’m going to look a lot more kindly on your peccadilloes than if you’re a “one strike and you’re out, throw away the key” type of person.

To put it another way: if you’re really into the “defense of marriage”, you’re going to look like an enormous tool when you’re found to be screwing your campaign manager’s wife.

I actually would hold anyone to be an “enormous tool” if they make it appear to have a good and solid marriage, and then are found not to have such, whether they are into “defense of marriage” or not. Think: John Edwards. An enormous tool of the highest degree, IMO. And that whole business of denying the affair and even worse, DENYING HIS OWN CHILD - *spit*. What a dirtbag.