
Herman Cain: Planned Parenthood is Plotting Genocide Against 'Black Babies'

What, me worry?3/16/2011 1:01:47 pm PDT

re: #61 The Yankee

Well he said he would get rid of Guantanamo Bay and said that Military Tribunes were not good enough. As far as being against sound facts though I would have to dig through

At the risk of coming to his defense, I wouldn’t call it a lie. It’s not possible for any president to fulfill all campaign promises in 4 years. Usually it takes 2 terms and then not everything can be done. My feeling is if they can get 1/2 of what they say done, they’ve done excellent, but that’s even difficult.

His main focus was healthcare and he didn’t really get what he wanted. He’s done things for education, but much more has to be done. He got rid of DADT and DOMA so that’s great. The energy thing is a tough one, but his two basic issues were healthcare and energy.

You’re right. He was very vocal about gitmo and been criticized for not closing it.