
Pamela Geller: A Military Coup Forced Obama to Act

Summer Seale5/03/2011 11:38:55 am PDT

I really think that somebody should do a serious study on how come we have more and more knowledge available to us at literally the touch of a few buttons, and some people still keep reverting to cave-man ignorance even with this available wealth.

Case and point: a few older people I know RL email me stuff all the time about things that are clearly debunked on Snopes and Factcheck. The emails are outlandish beyond belief and so easily verified to be false, but they don’t check them at all; they simply forward and tell others how real it must be.

I don’t know why, even after I point out to them time and time again the truth behind these stupid stories and show them where they can always check at a moment’s notice, but my advice never appears to register. They are so set in their ways that I suppose they don’t want to ever verify their philosophy with the truth of things.

There must be some sort of sociological study on this phenomenon with the internet, or perhaps even some sort of societal movement which can be started to counter it because I’m getting quite tired of it.