
Wingnut Bloggers Claimed Photos Showed 'Muslims Dragging Stevens' - Actually Showed Libyan Rescuers

Kragar9/17/2012 2:45:49 pm PDT

Matt Barber: Liberals and Muslims both hate the One True God

Yes, liberals’ desperate attempts to secularize America and eradicate her rich, Judeo-Christian heritage must be vigorously combatted. The left’s militant crusade to exorcise public recognition of God must not go unchallenged.

As Muslim radicals’ conduct murderous assaults on U.S. embassies around the world, secularist radicals are no less determined to kill freedom. There is, you see, a tie that binds. Both groups hate – with a visceral, all-consuming kind of hatred – the one true God. They hate all things Judeo-Christian.

But they also share a common goal. God-deniers want to destroy the America of our founding – the America of which George Washington said in his inaugural address: “The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.”

Millions of Muslims, on the other hand, simply want to destroy America.