
James O'Keefe Settles on $100,000 Payment to Smeared ACORN Employee

The Ghost of a Flea3/07/2013 2:45:10 pm PST

re: #63 FriendsofHummus

To expand on Hitler was a leftist nonsense. A leftist wouldn’t have aligned with Franco in the Spanish Civil War. You know, Francisco Franco, one of Pat Buchanan’s favorite people. I will grant that European right/left differs from American right/left since our right wing has never had affinity for monarchies the way the European right did and does but to suggest that the Nazis were on the left is fundamentally dishonest and ignores the fact that after Jews and Roma, left wingers were among those that the Nazis targeted the most.

Also not mentioned much: that there was a movement that combined “blood and soil” and Marxist thinking…Strasserism…that was a political opponent to Hitler with the nationalist community, that were exiled and eventually purged.