
CPAC Live Video 1

Scion92/26/2009 9:55:18 pm PST

re: #753 Cognito

I noted that the economists “regardless of political affiliation, can not find a clear way out of the mess we’re in.”

The onus is on you to prove that no economists regardless of their political affiliation can’t find a clear way out of the mess we are in. Give us the examples of economists ‘regardless of political affiliation’ enacting their policies and then failing.

I assume you have some such examples of economists all gaining dictatorial control to enact their policies, and then admitting after the fact that their policies were abject failures and they could not find a clear way out of the mess we are in.

If you are in the driver seat, and someone is offering me directions and you disregard them and get lost finding my own way, that doesn’t mean that a road connecting point of departure to destination does not exist and can’t be found by anyone at all.