
Overnight Open Thread

bellamags6/01/2009 8:04:56 am PDT

re: #736 Walter L. Newton

Tell Cato and Avanti (he UPDINGED Cato fro his comment) to go to hell before I do. What a fucking thing to wake up to, both of them Cato and Avanti, sitting on thier little gold-plated asses passing decisions on TOUR business and decisions and they don’t know shit about what’s going on.

I’m mad, really mad.

I haven’t been on this site for months because I have been working 60 plus hours per week just to keep my doors open then I get shit from these two. Whatever. I have bigger things to worry about.

Most people have no idea what it is like to have to “contribute” half of your income to a government which does nothing but everything to destroy what you have and redistribute your money to others who don’t deserve it.

All I own is this small tanning salon. I have no house, I live with my dad. I have a car which I still owe on. I bought this place with sweat equity. I did not borrow the money from my parents. I did it myself. Now I have to watch it potentially go under. I have nothing but this place.