
A Not-So-Simple Question: Why Do We Laugh?

Dr Lizardo6/13/2014 11:10:31 am PDT

re: #770 GeneJockey

Consider that for most of them, Christianity is a way to make themselves feel like they’re better than other people.

And here’s God planning to PROVE IT and reward them for it right in front of all those people they want to think themselves better than, and it all happens without them having to be martyred, or grow old, or wait.

Those awful gay people, Liberals and Moozlimz? They’ll have to WATCH as GOD HIMSELF lifts them up and pats them on the head for being so fantastically better than everyone else.

I don’t know if you’re familiar with Islamic eschatology, but in that, it is stated that Jesus (a.s.) will indeed return to Earth and he’ll declare that he’s simply a Muslim.

Regardless of what one thinks of eschatological ideas, I do have to imagine what all the fundies would do if that came to pass? I think they’d be less likely to be “raptured” at that point, and far more likely to have a collective stroke.