
Poseur Alert: Breitbart/CNN Commentator Dana Loesch Supported RomneyCare

Mostly sane, most of the time.10/10/2011 9:55:54 am PDT

re: #773 Lidane

Yeah, I know. According to her, she’s been reading ” a ton of articles” about the links between austim and MMR. I’ve pointed out that the entire study was predicated on a lie and that the guy behind it was discredited and had his medical license revoked. The NYT link will hopefully help.

I just don’t want to see my friends leave their kids unprotected because of faulty science.

Eventually, enough people will fall for this to break down herd immunity. This is a bad thing. A very bad thing.

I remember having Chicken Pox, and how miserable it was. I wouldn’t even eat ice cream.

My children were immunized, and they got chicken pock. (This is my joke. One of my children got a single pock. The other ones got, at most, four or five.) Their cases were so light that I would happily immunize them again, even with getting the disease.