
Overnight Open Thread

razorbacker2/16/2009 6:37:32 am PST

Okay, folks. I better get mobile and get busy.

I am so tired to clearing storm debris and cutting trees. Blast all ice storms. A conservative estimate is about six months to a year before it all looks presentable.

On the bright side, I know where the firewood for the next several years is stacked.

A storm related rumor, and then I’m gone for a bit. The story going around is that a band of alcohol-fueled idjits harassed and harried a crew of (Black) linemen from out-of-state so badly that they had to call for law-enforcement backup. I’ve no confirmation, and the story sounds fishy, to me. Not that racists still exist, I know that they do.

But if you’ve had electricity, and then you don’t have electricity, I don’t think that you’d much care about the skin color of those restoring electricity. I know that when the line-crew showed up after only five days, I was so happy that I forgot to vet anyone. For all I know, every one of them was a closet Satanist, or Obama voter, or whatever.

Didn’t matter to me.