
NYT: Trump's Family Members Talked Him Into Mike Pence

Backwoods Sleuth7/16/2016 12:16:19 pm PDT

The crowd for Donald Trump’s VP announcement was made up of Trump family, friends, and tourists who were pulled off of the street and allowed to come in and watch.

BRIAN WILLIAMS (HOST): Katy, was there anything different about today, having covered countless [Donald] Trump events on the road like it?

KATY TUR: Certainly different. This was a room not filled with Donald Trump supporters from rallies, but rather a number of GOP — New York GOPers, some friends and family, and then just tourists who came in literally from off the street, Brian. They heard about it and they asked if they could get in. Secret Service swept them and they sat down, a little bit gobsmacked that they were able to get in so easily and that this wasn’t an event that had more invitees here. That being said, it was typical in the way that Donald Trump spent a good portion of the time talking about, frankly, himself, relitigating the primaries, talking about all the deals he’s made. Also, perpetuating this idea that he was against the Iraq war when he was not. He spent 29 minutes before he got to Governor Mike Pence [(R-IN)]. And he said part of the reason why he chose him — and he admitted this — was that he needed party unity, that he’s an outsider and that he needed somebody who would smooth over relations in Washington.