
Defining "Creationism" Down

fish2/24/2009 3:38:10 pm PST

re: #740 jantjepietje

Yeah I’ve just been doing some reading on him but I just can’t wrap my head around it. I mean if it was a liberal arts major maybe he studied biology. Even it where to be pure for political gain it doesn’t make any sense maybe it serves him a little in Louisiana but any larger national ambitions will be affected. I am just completely lost on why he would do this.

I just re read the Law Jindal signed. I know I am in the vast minority here but I don’t see anything offensive about it. By state and federal law a public school cannot teach religion. By the new law itself a teacher cannot bring in any materials that are not approved by the local school board, and the state school board has trump authority over it all. In addition to evolution the bill mentions controversies in Global Warming and the Origin of Life (2 subjects with a large amount of debatable non religious scientific data that would most likely be covered in a baised way in most current text books.)