
First Wingnut Blogger to Bash Obama for Earthquake: Jim 'Dim' Hoft

jamesfirecat8/23/2011 5:23:14 pm PDT

re: #775 sliv_the_eli

Honestly, has the UN ever prevented nations that truly wished to go to war from doing so? That said, your comment misses my point. The notion that without the UN there would be no multilateralism in addressing problems in the world is vastly overstated. The world is awash in multilateral organizations through which nations dialogue in order to address common concerns. To cite just a few: NATO, OECD, ASEAN, OPEC, OIC, and the AU.

Isn’t demanding proof of when the UN prevented nations that truly wished to go to war from doing so asking to prove a double negative? you know like proving that things would have been worse without the Stimulus?