
2012 Democratic National Convention: Day One, Thread Three, Michelle Obama Edition

NJDhockeyfan9/05/2012 10:13:19 am PDT

re: #773 Obdicut

Except that NJD posted an article criticizing the factcheckers from the right.

And no, people aren’t actually flipping through the spectrum, they’re saying “The factcheckers got this one right”, and “The factcheckers got this one wrong”. What’s being mocked is the stupid idea that because someone calls themselves a factchecker they’re somehow agenda-less and more trustable than other people. I have no idea why idiots think people who self-anoint are holy, rather than judging them on their actual track record.

The factcheckers are being fact checked and those factcheckers are also being fact checked too. How many fact checks will be needed to to get a correct fact check?