
Trump Pledges to Accept Election Results... "If I Win"

Blind Frog Belly White10/20/2016 12:02:13 pm PDT

I think Trump hopes to avoid the stink of being a loser, using the ‘Citizen Kane’ method, but it WILL bother him, and he’ll never, ever shut up about it. I was listening to NPR on the way to work today, and there was a discussion of whether Trump tries to take over as the leader of the GOP, or forge a new party, and one guy said neither, because Trump has never shown any willingness to work hard and stick to it, to do any kind of organizational work like this would require.

Look at his campaign - rallies. Tweets. No ground game. No focus. Basically, Trump flies to a new town, blathers on for an hour appealing to the sense of resentment in some segment of white people, then he goes someplace else. When people were begging him to start working for the Party, to run an ad campaign, to start a ground game, to do any of the things it takes in America today to win nationally, he couldn’t be bothered. He’d win it his way, because of his huge rallies, and free media saturation.

If he won’t change to win the Presidency, he won’t change to organize a party, or to organize a takeover of the current one.