
Trevor Noah's Deep Dive Into the Climate Change Emergency

DesertDenizen4/22/2021 12:11:34 pm PDT

re: #72 lawhawk

I have colleagues in India who are down for the count with either being sick themselves, or out caring for family who are sick.

It’s absolutely steamrolling the country, and if they can’t get it under control, it’s going to steamroll across the region and around the world, because far too few people are able to get vaccinated worldwide. India had long had a solid reputation on vaccinations, and is a leading supplier of vaccines worldwide, but they’ve dropped the ball seriously here.

Modi is a huge reason why.

It’s almost like the right worldwide wants a population culling plague. They seem to believe it will stay focused on the poor and other “undesirables”. Any of their own that die are regarded as acceptable casualties in their quest for power and money. Evil in the truest sense.