
New Book: 30 Threats a Day for Obama

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion8/04/2009 10:56:13 pm PDT

It would have surprised me if President Obama didn’t receive more threats than Bush, Clinton, Reagen, etc. He’s getting the “normal” threats from the usual suspects (plain crazy people, unstable anti-government kooks, attention whores, people who think he’s “going too far” and those who think “he’s not going far enough”) and on top of that, a mountain of threats from racists who can’t handle having an African American president.

I expect, for example, the first female president, the first Asian American president or the first Jewish president will also receive an above average number of threats from specially bigoted crazies. I hope this will be avoided by the time those examples come to pass, and I hope this crap with Obama calms down.