
AJ Strata Takes a Stand Against Robert Stacy McCain

goddamnedfrank10/20/2009 11:43:05 am PDT
I disagree with Johnson on many subjects (e.g, he and I are on opposite sides of the Global Warming debate – but I swear I could demonstrate to him how the science and math are clearly against the alarmists).

It is more than a little bit patronizing to assume Charles just hasn’t received the benefit of AJ’s personal “demonstration” on the subject. Especially when LGF is referencing cutting edge peer reviewed science, and the Strata-Sphere is fronting nonsense (google cache). AJ is apparently ok with dishonest selective timeline arguments. He is also okay with ignoring the increased orbital distances of Mars and Jupiter, the documented change in Mars’ albedo and the fact that Jupiter produces approximately 1.6 times more energy internally than it absorbs from the Sun. Based on the fact that solar intensity basically falls off by a factor of four for every doubling in distance, Mars orbit of 1.5 AU should yield a difference 2.25 degrees to 1 for any Earth solar variation induced warming to any Martian equivalent. I actually had a denier once claim that Pluto’s warming was an indicator of solar variation, ignoring both Pluto’s highly eccentric orbit and the fact that being an average of 89 AU out meant that one degree of solar variation for pluto would logically equate to 7921 degrees of warming for Earth. The inverse square law of light is a climate deniers worst enemy.

This is why I always laugh when climate deniers start talking about math and science when by and large they demonstrably have no real scientific knowledge nor any mathematical skills.