
Imagine if the Tea Party Was Black

wrenchwench4/28/2010 10:50:58 am PDT

re: #24 Lidane

DougJ over at Balloon Juice has a post about that. I’m still working my way through it because of all the links:


That’s an excellent link. From it:

Update. Balloon-Juice favorite Daniel Larison also has VDARE on his blogroll. VDARE publishes a lot of stuff, much of it crazy, but I am not sure that it is all crazy. So I don’t know what to make of this exactly.

That’s not the only stinky link Larison has. And it’s not just his blogroll, it’s listed under “recommended sites.” Look:

Conservative Magazines & Recommended Sites

* @TAC
* Chronicles
* Culture11
* First Principles
* Front Porch Republic
* Intercollegiate Studies Institute
* Ron Paul 2008
* Sobran’s
* Taki’s Magazine
* The American Cause
* The American Conservative
* The American Scene
* The Compass
* The League of the South
* The New Atlantis
* The New Pantagruel
* The Russell Kirk Center
* The Spectator
* The Week
* VDare

I don’t know what anybody sees in Larison, other than if they like that he’s anti-war. Three times on LGF I’ve seen liberals mention him as a “reasonable conservative.” I’m still trying to figure out the attraction.