
Overnight Open Thread

garhighway8/12/2010 5:55:23 am PDT

re: #58 Spare O’Lake

Moderate Muslims can no longer afford to remain largely silent and passive in the face of the radical Islamists. Without further delay, they must stand up and be counted, by organizing and unequivocally rejecting the sick and twisted version of Islam being peddled by the extremists in America and around the world. The moderates’ failure to do so en masse has allowed the extremists to hijack the agenda and to largely succeed in their nefarious objective of fostering an atmosphere of intolerance and divisiveness.
Many moderates have been working hard to point out the problems with Islam, but their pleas for reform have so far not gained the necessary traction in their own community. Instead, the vast majority of moderate Muslims have failed miserably to actively engage in a public fashion to reject Muslim extremism, which is precisely what is desperately needed to more effectively combat the current and growing atmosphere of bigotry.
Cast out the extremists!

Do you have any other major religions you would like to run?