
Just One More Rush Limbaugh Racist Rant

Usually refered to as anyways11/16/2010 2:25:07 pm PST

Top story at the Freakin Shreiken Herpies


No, they are talking about the NSW state govt, not the federal govt, not that it should matter.

“We want the Muslim people to have their say. We are telling them that Labor has not done the job and that it’s time for them to go,”

If this not, in and of itself, concrete evidence of intent and motive, I don’t know what. It’s interesting how Muslims insist upon separate status, special class, sharia etc in their “host” countries. Parallel societies.

“A house divided cannot stand.” Abraham Lincoln.

Why shouldn’t the Muslim people has a chance to express their veiws?
In our democracy, every citizen can express their view, be Muslim should not exclude you, right?

Check out the headline “fed up” - imdeed. And notice this goes far beyond “extremists.” It is mainstream.

The Muslim community represents approximatly 2% of the population, so apparantly 2 in 100 is now considered mainstream to some.

The story:

ISLAMIC leaders have declared war on the State Government, calling for pro-Muslim candidates to run in key western Sydney Labor seats.

Lebanese Muslim Association president Samier Dandan yesterday used the Eid al-Adha festival at Lakemba to outline his group’s political ambitions.

In front of more than 5000 followers, Mr Dandan said Labor had to be kicked out of office at the March election.

“We want the Muslim people to have their say. We are telling them that Labor has not done the job and that it’s time for them to go,” he said.

Mr Dandan said the Labor seats of Auburn, Lakemba, Liverpool, Bankstown and Canterbury would be targeted. He did not rule out the possibility of running independent candidates at the election.

“I can’t disclose our strategy but our message is clear. We need change. Our people have been marginalised and left behind,” Mr Dandan said.

Mr Dandan, a member of the Arabic Chamber of Commerce who served as a Muslim Reference Group adviser to former prime minister John Howard, said councils and Labor MPs had discriminated against Sydney’s Muslims.

“Enough is enough. Labor thinks these are safe seats. That’s why they don’t spend the money,” he said.

“And the Liberal Party, why would they bother?”

Former NRL star Hazem El Masri has been sounded out by the Liberal Party to stand.

While Labor MPs were nowhere to be seen, Opposition Leader Barry O’Farrell sent an Arabic-speaking spokesman.

More than 25,000 people attended the Lakemba mosque yesterday to celebrate the second most important day on the Muslim religious calendar.

It disgusts me that the hipocrasy and bigotry has become so blatant.

If this story was about Christian wanting their say, you can bet it would be promoted as freedomon fighting by these same nutters.

They are nothing but homophobic biggot racist haters…