
Hitchens: Cynicism by the Book

thatthatisis4/04/2011 5:22:57 pm PDT

re: #50 Obdicut

No, it’s not just that Karzai is an ass. He didn’t just blunder into giving a speech all about the burning of the Koran, which is how he got the info out.

We won’t understand that area of the world unless we are always trying to figure out what people’s real agendas are, and what’s in it for them. I was asking who stood to gain by getting this information out. You folks didn’t think that was an interesting question. Turns out, it was.

That whole part of the world isn’t just about religion, and who’s a Muslim and who isn’t. It’s about power, and who’s got it. So we have to look at the agendas, not just at the dogma.