
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) Refuses to Accept Fox Host Chris Wallace's Abject Apology

Decatur Deb6/27/2011 11:41:43 am PDT

re: #75 marjoriemoon

Clinton also had a longer political history. And Clinton don’t take any shit either. Ever see her pissed? Palin and Bachmann are nobodies. Fresh meat and not politically “refined”.

I agree that Palin dodged questions and was more snarky, and maybe that came from her being just plain stupid. She couldn’t answer them and also didn’t have the finesse or polish to give a non-answer answer, like the others do. I’m trying to think of an equally stupid male counterpart and compare, but I can’t at the moment LOL

Dan Quayle is the popular approximation, though that’s certainly less than fair—he was just a lightweight with spelling problems.