
Herman Cain on His Electrified Fence: "That's a Joke"

What, me worry?10/16/2011 11:48:02 am PDT

And another little Cain tidbit from this morning.

Gregory asked him about abortion and Cain said he would not allow any abortion, not for rape or incest, nothing. So Gregory asked him “What about the health of the mother?” To which Cain said [paraphrasing], “That’s going to be something the family is going to have to decide. That’s up to the family.”

REALLY. But if he outlaws abortion, a doctor can’t perform it under any circumstance. So WTF. Then there’s the issue of how he’s going to change a Supreme Court ruling. but it’s ok Herman. We know where you’re at.

And speaking of Supreme Court, Clarence Thomas is his favorite judge.

Oh it was a hoot. I laughed… I cried… I mostly cried.