
Quinnipiac Poll: Romney Romps to 14-Point Lead

unproven innocence1/30/2012 2:23:03 pm PST

re: #73 Charles

This page has some descriptions that should help - basically, you choose between the 64 or 32-bit version, and the latest beta or the earlier stable version.

Depends on whether you installed the 64 bit Win 7 or not. I used the 32-bit stable version.

I think that’s slightly wrong:

gdipp Project supports both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 7/Vista. You can install 32-bit and 64-bit components separately. The 32-bit components only renders 32-bit applications, while the 64-bit components only renders 64-bit applications in 64-bit Windows. Both components share the same setting file.

So my take is that users of a 32bit windows would need only the 32bit flavor, but for 64bit windows, one would need both.