
CNN's Dana Loesch Attacks VP Joe Biden for a Typo in a Press Release

What, me worry?2/20/2012 6:46:27 pm PST

re: #64 Targetpractice

Because they’ve got their Stepford Wives at their sides, telling them with glassy-eyed stares that it’s actually “pro-woman” to slowly dismantle all the advances in equality of the last 50 years, because “equality” is an illusion and women were so much better when they were little more than glorified house pets.

It’s SO CRAZY. It’s just not going to happen. We’re not going to stand by and let it happen. And I guarantee someone(s) is going to fight the Virginia law. It can’t stand.

Governor Skeletor Scott (FL), relying on false conclusions, decided that people collecting welfare needed to be drug tested. Unfortunately for him, it’s unconstitutional and can’t be enforced.