Comment's Dan Riehl Blames Obama for Random Twitter Posts, Commenters Spew Hatred

ausador3/29/2012 12:27:55 pm PDT

Well…Zimmerman has been tried and convicted in the press already of wantonly executing a boy on his way home with some skittles (because he was black). To find out that there are wanted posters offering a reward for his death in circulation and random twitter posts calling for his death is certainly no surprise.

As the facts slowly come out in this case it becomes more and more apparent that Zimmerman did indeed exercise racial profiling and extremely poor judgement in following and harassing Trayvon. What happened next however is not so clear, who started the final altercation, how did Zimmerman end up on the ground with Trayvon on top of him (witness testimony). When Zimmerman was calling for help (yes, it was Zimmerman and not Trayvon yelling for help according to witnesses on scene) was Zimmerman being beaten and did they later struggle for control of his gun (as his representatives claim)?

One party who could have testified is dead, the other has already been vilified so completely that anything he could say would be instantly dismissed as a self-serving lie. This case is not going to end to anyones satisfaction and the more it gets built up as page view fodder by both sides the more disgruntled people there will be when it soon becomes apparent that any meaningful prosecution in this case is nothing but a pipe dream.

I would really hate to see anyone else get hurt because of a violent response to the lack of perceived “Justice” in this case. Perhaps we might want to step back a foot or two, take a deep breath, and then re-examine the currently known facts again before continuing to call for Mr. Zimmermans conviction for murder.

Is it Zimmermans fault, yes. Did he racially profile, follow, and harass Trayvon, yes. Was it murder, given limited witness testimony (no one can yet testify as to how the physical altercation started), no, no it was not. :(