
Glenn Beck's 'The Blaze' Readers Spew Hatred and Racism at Michelle Obama

Killgore Trout7/13/2012 12:46:50 pm PDT

re: #70 Achilles Tang

I’m wondering how Bain’s business is these days. I don’t think all this publicity is very good for them. I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t have a few other corporate names they can operate under, and do.

It’s hard to say. It might actually be good for them. If they were selling shoes or snuggly toys it might hurt their public image but they are dealing in hard finance. People who want to make money. There is a lot of debate but the one thing Bain does very well is make money, nobody is disputing that. In the CNN clip at #74 the reporter had some dealings with Bain and spoke very highly of them. It was practically a commercial for Bain.