
Overnight Open Thread

DistantThunder2/19/2009 6:31:13 am PST

re: #764 lifeofthemind

Of course, the problem is that we end up preaching to the choir, we need, on so many issues, to get up, turn off the TV (or computer) and go do something. Get involved at the local level and do things. For two many years Conservatives felt that they “did something” by working and being tax paying citizens, leaving all the public square politics to the layabout left.

The majority of conservatives are involved in churches through which they learn ethics, and responsible nurturing behavior. Churches are the largest sponsors of the Boy Scouts which is one of the few remaining programs that has a systematic program of civilizing young men. Conservatives give more of their TIME and their money to charitable causes than liberals do.

There was a book recently written about the overwhelming statistical advantages that conservatives have in these areas.