
Moving Still Stinks Open Thread

MJBrutus4/14/2009 6:07:04 pm PDT

re: #767 Unakite

In college (where else), one night while drinking we came up with the “stump ratio” (we may not have been the first, but we were the first that night). The “stump ratio” was simply a person’s height divided by a person’s width (H/W). Taller, skinner people had high “stump ratios” (H>W, or H/W>1). Stump ratios less than 1 were fun for conversation. Anyway, the point of this is that I’ve thought about this before and the same thing could be done with a ratio, say Karma points/comments (K/C). Sharmuta, for example, would have a K/C ratio of 1.42 (base on post #443).

Then you could develop a scale. Anyone with K/C>1 means they have more Karma points than comments (superhero). For the other end of the spectrum, spacejesus would be a -2.26 (even with the 55 updings last night).

Just a thought.

Oh yeah, you’re talking about the Sharmuta quotient.