
Overnight Hopin'

eschew_obfuscation1/28/2009 7:19:43 am PST

re: #749 vapig

Well, yes. They’ve effectively taken over the government schools and are following the dumbucation that was so effective in Europe. They are churning out soviet-style idiots who have a piece of paper that says they’re college grads, but who could never survive in the private sector without “promised” jobs invented for them. We’re still allowed to home school our kids and send them to private schools, but I’ve seen that they are already trying to disenfranchise those kids (i.e. Tennessee announced they won’t hire homeschooled kids to state jobs regardless of their test scores.)

You make a good point, but seriously…. what home schooled kid would want a public sector job anyway? They’re likely bound for something a little more cerebral, doncha think?