
NYT's Revkin Responds to Limbaugh's 'Suicide' Suggestion

Dreader196210/20/2009 8:32:05 pm PDT

re: #770 PT Barnum

If much of your debt is credit card related check out a credit counseling agency (be careful, there are a lot of crooks out there) but we did that for a while and were amazed at how much progress we made.

I also like Dave Ramsey, though don’t do much more than buy one of his books as the rest of it (the tapes etc) isn’t much more than a repeat of what’s there.

I paid off a substantial amount of debt by focusing all of my spare income on the debt with the highest interest rate and keeping minimum payments on the rest. This way, you avoid paying the most on finance charges. Once one debt is paid, shift the payment to the next highest. Rinse-lather-repeat.

Paying off the last debt was like having a weight lifted from my shoulders. Definitely worth it.