
Video: Reinstated Bishop a Holocaust Denier - Update: Also a Truther

iam75451/25/2009 3:38:11 pm PST

re: #782 NY Nana

NY Nana = The Red Cross to this day displays their anti semitic leanings towards Israel. They have made no attempt to make amends.

My ancestors were from Lithuania and Poland. I grew up seeing the dreaded tattoos on several relatives.

Nana - while I will never forget I believe that everyone has the opportunity to do Teshuva. I forgive those that display their desire to behave in a different manner. My best friend in the world was a Nun. When she passed away I gave a Eulogy at her funeral Mass and was treated with the highest respect by everyone. I still keep in touch with the Sisters that she worked with and visit her grave every year.

Unfortunately what comes out of the Vatican is not worthy of that same forgiveness.