
Video: Anti-Mosque Mob Turns On Black Union Carpenter

Aceofwhat?8/22/2010 9:23:43 pm PDT

re: #780 sagehen

When Clinton first came to office, all of GHWB’s US Attorney’s were nearing the ends of their terms, and they weren’t renewed. That’s normal. The appointment is for 4 years, so they’re almsot always for the duration of the administration that appointed them plus a couple of months.

nah. normal would be firing only the ones that sucked. less normal is firing them all. once that’s ok (and it’s ok with me…they serve at the Prez’s discretion), what’s not on the table?

also, i only shot down one of your examples because that’s all i had the energy for…it’s late here. the ease of my riposte should give you pause.