
Ann Coulter and the Council of Conservative Citizens, Part Deux

athos2/15/2009 8:59:41 pm PST

re: #740 Charles

It’s worse than the John Birch Society. It’s more like Stormfront.

Absolutely. If we are going to stand on our values, then we have to make sure that our values are consistent. We cannot make exceptions for other conservatives who leap to defend an organization just because the NYT or other liberal mouthpiece attacks it - we cannot make exceptions because we might share a common enemy - and we cannot make exceptions towards our values otherwise we weaken the very foundation of our ideas, beliefs, and credibility.

Fringe groups love times like these because they can and will use the fear and anger of many to gain recognition and support that they otherwise could not possibly hope to get. Falling into that trap does not make our side stronger, but all of our enemies stronger because they will use these odious linkages to discredit us….and it only needs the slightest veracity of truth in order to damn us totally. Rather than address the bigger picture, we will be marginalized into a very narrow no-win form of argument around if we knew how really odious the organization was.

If those who claim to be on our side see their error and admit their mistake to support or defend an odious organization, then we need to accept that and move on. However, if they pull an Atlas or a Spencer, then by all means we have to distance ourselves from them as they embrace the fringe and ultimately stand to support all that goes against our core values.

Let’s not become what we are fighting. We are better than that and can win with our values intact.