
Atlas Shrugs Promotes Neo-Nazi British National Party

Engnrman4/20/2009 4:19:05 pm PDT

First, I see people on this site attacking Glenn Beck. Admittedly, he is a bit dramatic, but as my wife said, we should be thankful for every Glen Beck out there, sounding some kind of alarm, because if you haven’t noticed, this hand cart is heading south. Now,there’s a feeding frenzy over Pamela Gellar at Atlas Shrugs. God, these people are doing more to educate the witless masses in this country than most of us combined, ever will. And LGF is attacking them? Let’s just hang Rush and Shawn and Mark next. You are either a conservative or you are not. I don’t care if you call yourself a Republican or a Libertarian, just don’t give me this spineless crap about being neutral, or an independant. Make a damn decision. How much of this crap is being posted here by trolls from KOSLand? Because, I am a Southern conservative that is not (correction “aint”) buying in to this.