
The GOP and Creationism

topazpilot2/23/2009 6:43:42 pm PST

re: #779 Salamantis

I understand, but sometimes you roll with the candidates you have and not the ones you wish you had. I have a list of the most important issues in my mind that affect our country and the world at large…creationism or religion isn’t near the top of that list. If he/she is good on free markets, big stick, and killing terrorists then I seriously could care less. Would it bother me? Somewhat, but I’ll take a few shots of Glenlivet and walk on because this is what I know: top tier candidates won’t touch that issue with a ten foot pole in the primaries or the general election and they won’t walk that path during their administration. Only the fringe candidates will try to pander so obviously to the creationists and they’ll just go home a little later than normal.