
Video: Sphere

Simply Sarah1/03/2012 12:01:14 pm PST

re: #784 Obdicut

Heh. Just because I can tell you’re trying very hard, which I think is admirable, I’m going to say I don’t understand what you mean when you say Reine has made her personal choice and it’s not the one you would have made. What choice?

I think you’re nifty for your indefatigable desire to hammer out communication issues.

Ah, well, she has come to the conclusion that abortion is wrong and, I can only assume, would never have one performed (I have no idea how she’d handle cases such as her life being in danger or whatever, that’s not really important here). I have come to a different conclusion and I’d be OK with considering having an abortion if I were in a situation where that was an option. Perhaps choice was, again, the wrong word. Mainly I meant her choice to not have an abortion, even if I’m just talking in the abstract here.

And I sorta feel that it’s my job to work out these issues. Heaven knows I cause enough of them. I’m really working on trying to avoid them in the first place, but I obviously have a long way to go and I’m thinking I’ll never quite reach where I want to be. But really, if I want to try and contribute to discussion, the least I can do is try to make sure everyone understands each other, especially when I’m the cause of it and it causes a negative reaction from someone.