
2012 Democratic National Convention: Day One, Thread Three, Michelle Obama Edition

Mostly sane, most of the time.9/05/2012 10:19:30 am PDT

re: #770 Obdicut

Taxation isn’t about fairness. It’s about what works. You have an after-tax income of at least $151,000, which is far, far more than most people ever make. Your college costs are trickier to determine, because if have two sons going at once that you’re both paying for, your estimated family contribution will be lower and they’ll receive grants and low-interest loans (thanks to the government, and thanks to taxes paid by other people).

The colleges they’re going to are subsidized in many ways by the government, and the actual price of their education would be far higher if the government didn’t subsidize them.

So, I’m sorry, but it’s not going to impress anyone that after taxes you only have $151,000, which is an after-tax income that is about ten times higher than the US poverty line, a level at which millions and millions of US families live.

Um, sorry, you have to make a lot less than $151,000 to get a government grant. My parents were making a lot less than that, and the kids in my family, and we were usually two or three at college, didn’t get pell grants until we got married and became independent of them.