
Another Incredible Time Lapse Video: The World Outside My Window - Earth From the ISS

Mattand12/08/2013 7:40:50 am PST

From CNN:

Gingrich pushes back against Mandela critics

Read the 5th paragraph.

If you need any clue as to the mindset of the current Republican Party, the quoted comment by Trish Baehr-Schaefer pretty much says it all.

“Gorilla” warrior. Your modern GOP, ladies and gentlemen.

I guess I should congratulate Gingrich for his apparent long-term support of Mandela. The cynic in me, however, says that at some point, Newt will compare himself to Mandela in Newt’s quest to destroy the ACA.

Which is basically the same policy he promoted before Scary Black Man in White House™ endorsed it.