
Racism, Discrimination and Privilege

walkingdeadhead11/25/2014 11:17:38 am PST

In the end, it all comes down to this: Michael Brown was shot because he:
A. Assaulted a police officer
B. Attempted to take the officer’s gun in the police car, and
C. Turned around and charged the officer as he was being pursued.

Despite all the progress that has been made in Civil Rights in the last 50 years, the Left, mainly to keep Blacks voting for the Democratic Party in numbers that would be considered voter fraud if it were in a foreign country, has to portray 2014 America as no different than Mississippi Burning. All white cops are Bull Connor, all black victims of cop shootings are the moral equivalent of Selma marchers, and there’s always the KKK (Tea Party) underneath every bed.

The bottom line was that Officer Wilson’s testimony, as well as the testimony from eyewitnesses, is coorboroated by the forensic EVIDENCE, thus, the Grand Jury had no alternative but to return a no bill. That is the purpose of the Grand Jury, after all, to protect the citizens from unjust trials.

Just for fun, lets just say that the prosecutor WAS a racist and let Wilson off because of that. Lets also say that the Grand Jury rolled over and let the prosector have his way. You STILL don’t have an out of control white racist cop gunning down an innocent black kid. Michael Brown was a lot of things, but “innocent” and “a kid” he was not