
Bruce Springsteen: Stolen Car

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)12/12/2014 6:13:57 am PST

Good morning Lizards. Cloudy and just above freezing temps here in Philly. Some snow flurries yesterday, but no accumulation.

Clash of wills with a Feline Overlord yesterday while I was home sick. Tuxedo Cat deemed that she was receiving insufficient attention and/or dislike of the type of chow in the dish — so she went roaming onto the kitchen counter for things to knock onto the floor or into the sink. (Knowing that when this started I would be roused from my chair to respond.)

Note: Tuxedo Cat doesn’t do laps or sit for pets. Demands attention in general, especially regarding dry food.

Around the third go-round of this behavior I lost patience and exiled her to the bedroom for an hour.* After she was let back out she started right back up again with 15 minutes. So she got exiled to the bedroom again for another hour. (Chat Noir, during all this, was quietly hanging out in the same room. Or sitting by the bedroom door listening to Tuxedo Cat scratch at the other side.)

After 2nd exile Tuxedo Cat behaved for about 30 minutes. Then, right back up on the counter again. As I approached her this time she jumped down, went past the bedroom to the bench by the door - and jumped up and sat on the jacket lying on the bench. I recognized this as “bunker/safe point” behavior from cat-to-cat pursuit. So I left her there. And she promptly laid down there and napped for the rest of the afternoon.

I can only wish that she learns to leave stuff alone on the counter.

* - Exile is not that bad a thing. Windows to watch from, water, chow, and a litter box all available. Thus my willingness to lock a misbehaving cat in there.