
Pat Robertson's Latest Crazed Tirade: Gays Are Going to Force You to Like Bestiality

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)4/03/2015 3:45:34 pm PDT

re: #78 Justanotherhuman

Yeah, because everyone should be able to join ISIS? Good grief, GG must be doing a lot of dope lately.

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald * 1h 1 hour ago
The FBI yet again saved us from their own “ISIS-related plot” - they are superb at this Noelle Velentzas, 28, and Asia Siddiqui, 31

And links to a story in his rag, of course, trying to make a case that neither of the women would have gone to any extremes if an FBI informant hadn’t prodded them on. These women are supposed to be adults, not some easily malleable 14 yr olds. What a pile of bullshit.

GG should ask himself why he hates the country that gave him every opportunity in the world to be a real productive person instead of making shit up and should take responsibility for it. I mean, it’s not at though he doesn’t spread delusions to those willing to accept them in return for monetary gain, either.

What a fucking grifting hack.

There’s a lot of problems I have with law enforcement in this country but keeping a close eye on Americans who plan to join groups like ISIL ain’t one of them. GG would have so much more credibility if he actually focused on real problems of law enforcement power abuse but he doesn’t because that doesn’t concern his privileged dude bro readership.